Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ignoring/Misreporting Sydney's Mass Gaza Rallies

The lack of ms media coverage of Sydney's July rallies for Gaza - three so far, on consecutive Sundays (13/20/27), with a 4th to come this Sunday (3/8) - has been shameful.

Huge numbers of people have attended these rallies, with the organisers - Sydney's Palestine Action Group - conservatively estimating an attendance figure of around 5,000 (for 21/7) on its FB page.

Here's the Fairfax/Murdoch breakdown:

Sydney Morning Herald:
14/7: 0
21/7: A postage stamp piece with on an estimate of "more than 4000 people" in attendance. (Youngsters rally against Israel)
28/7: A small photograph buried inside another article (Alhadeff defiant on Gaza email) on p 6.

The Australian:

14/7: 0
21/7: 0
28/7: 0

Other Murdoch outlets, both print & web-based:

14/7: 0
21/7: "... a crowd of more than 2000..." (Sydney rally against deaths in Gaza, AAP, 20/7)
28/7: "About 500 people are marching..." (Sydney rally slams Gaza silence, AAP, 27/7)

While Fairfax is missing in action, Murdoch, typically, lies through its teeth (2000/500).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was a thoroughly biased interview on ABC Lateline (29 July) of Palestinian politician Mustafa Barghouti by Emma Alberici. Her opening statement said "1200 people have been killed in Gaza and 53 in Israel", conveniently distorting the fact that 50 of the Israeli dead were Israeli army killed inside Gaza during their punitive attack. Her interviewing technique was to attack Mr.Barghouti with a succession of Israeli propaganda slogans and memes. She made very little attempt to develop the interview or respond to what he was saying. Initially I tried to adjust my TV to check if the interviewer was Mark Regev in drag!